Quote (nilrem)
В настройках линковщина в опциях оптимизации есть пункт "Оптимизировать для Вин98"
Такого пункта не нашел, юзаю Visual Studio 2010 ProfessionalДобавлено (17.12.2010, 19:25)
А вот что выдает дебаггер при попытке скомпилировать примеры hge
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\hge.dll', Binary was not built with debug information.
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8thk.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr100.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Proj.exe': Loaded 'E:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
The program '[2376] Proj.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Хотя собирается проект нормально.Добавлено (17.12.2010, 19:31)
В Visual C++ 2006 сэмплы HGE работали.