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Structure used to get information back from a raycast.
barycentricCoordinate - The barycentric coordinate of the triangle we hit.
collider - The Collider that was hit.
distance - The distance from the ray's origin to the impact point.
lightmapCoord - The uv lightmap coordinate at the impact point.
normal - The normal of the surface the ray hit.
point - The impact point in world space where the ray hit the collider.
rigidbody - The Rigidbody of the collider that was hit. If the collider is not attached to a rigidbody then it is null.
textureCoord - The uv texture coordinate at the impact point.
textureCoord2 - The secondary uv texture coordinate at the impact point.
transform - The Transform of the rigidbody or collider that was hit.
triangleIndex - The index of the triangle that was hit.