
What is browse~1.dll?

Browse~1.dll is a Windows DLL file. DLL is the abbreviation for Dynamic Link Library. DLL files are needed by programs or web browser extensions, because they contain program code, data, and resources. The following information can help you determine if browse~1.dll is a Windows system file or if it belongs to an application that you can trust.

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Browse~1.dll file information

The process belongs to software Browser System Enahncer or BrowserProtect by unknown.

Description: Browse~1.dll is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. Browse~1.dll is located in a folder listed in the Windows %PATH% environment variable or sometimes in a subfolder of the user's profile folder (e.g. C:\). The file size on Windows 10/11/7 is 20 bytes. 
The program has a visible window. There is no file information. The file is not a Windows core file. The program starts when Windows starts (see Registry key: AppInit_DLLs). browse~1.dll appears to be a compressed file. Therefore the technical security rating is 45% dangerous, but you should also take into account the user reviews.

Uninstalling this variant: The software publisher Bit89 provides direct support ( You could uninstall the program using the Control Panel ⇒ Uninstall a ProgramBrowserProtect.

Recommended: Identify browse~1.dll related errors

Important: Some malware camouflages itself as browse~1.dll. Therefore, you should check the browse~1.dll process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.


User Comments

part of datamngr
Die Datei gehört scheinbar zu einem Programm, daß sich BrowserProtect nennt. Der Sinn ist mir nicht bekannt. O.g. Fehler trat beim Start von diversen Programmen auf. Nach Deinst. von BrowserProtect und löschen des Restes aus C:\ProgramData war alles i.O..
Installed by Bandoo Media Inc
  The Webhunter  
Die Datei gehört scheinbar zu einem Programm, daß sich BrowserProtect nennt. Der Sinn ist mir nicht bekannt. O.g. Fehler trat beim Start von diversen Programmen auf. Nach Deinst. von BrowserProtect und löschen des Restes aus C:\ProgramData war alles i.O.. shrott Installed by Bandoo Media Inc The Webhunter

Summary: Average user rating of browse~1.dll: based on 1 vote with 4 user comments. One user suspects danger. 4 users don't grade browse~1.dll ("not sure about it").

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Best practices for resolving browse~1 issues

A clean and tidy computer is the key requirement for avoiding problems with browse~1. This means running a scan for malware, cleaning your hard drive using 1cleanmgr and 2sfc /scannow, 3uninstalling programs that you no longer need, checking for Autostart programs (using 4msconfig) and enabling Windows' 5Automatic Update. Always remember to perform periodic backups, or at least to set restore points.

Should you experience an actual problem, try to recall the last thing you did, or the last thing you installed before the problem appeared for the first time. Use the 6resmon command to identify the processes that are causing your problem. Even for serious problems, rather than reinstalling Windows, you are better off repairing of your installation or, for Windows 8 and later versions, executing the 7DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth command. This allows you to repair the operating system without losing data.

To help you analyze the browse~1.dll process on your computer, the following programs have proven to be helpful: ASecurity Task Manager displays all running Windows tasks, including embedded hidden processes, such as keyboard and browser monitoring or Autostart entries. A unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of the process being potential spyware, malware or a Trojan. BMalwarebytes Anti-Malware detects and removes sleeping spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, malware and trackers from your hard drive.

Other processes

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