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Created September 24, 2014 13:36
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#pragma strict
@script RequireComponent( CharacterController )
// This script must be attached to a GameObject that has a CharacterController
var moveTouchPad : Joystick;
var rotateTouchPad : Joystick; // If unassigned, tilt is used
var cameraPivot : Transform; // The transform used for camera rotation
var forwardSpeed : float = 4;
var backwardSpeed : float = 1;
var sidestepSpeed : float = 1;
var jumpSpeed : float = 8;
var inAirMultiplier : float = 0.25; // Limiter for ground speed while jumping
var rotationSpeed : Vector2 = Vector2( 50, 25 ); // Camera rotation speed for each axis
var tiltPositiveYAxis = 0.6;
var tiltNegativeYAxis = 0.4;
var tiltXAxisMinimum = 0.1;
private var thisTransform : Transform;
private var character : CharacterController;
private var cameraVelocity : Vector3;
private var velocity : Vector3; // Used for continuing momentum while in air
private var canJump = true;
function Start()
// Cache component lookup at startup instead of doing this every frame
thisTransform = GetComponent( Transform );
character = GetComponent( CharacterController );
// Move the character to the correct start position in the level, if one exists
var spawn = GameObject.Find( "PlayerSpawn" );
if ( spawn )
thisTransform.position = spawn.transform.position;
function OnEndGame()
// Disable joystick when the game ends
if ( rotateTouchPad )
// Don't allow any more control changes when the game ends
this.enabled = false;
function Update()
var movement = thisTransform.TransformDirection( Vector3( moveTouchPad.position.x, 0, moveTouchPad.position.y ) );
// We only want horizontal movement
movement.y = 0;
// Apply movement from move joystick
var absJoyPos = Vector2( Mathf.Abs( moveTouchPad.position.x ), Mathf.Abs( moveTouchPad.position.y ) );
if ( absJoyPos.y > absJoyPos.x )
if ( moveTouchPad.position.y > 0 )
movement *= forwardSpeed * absJoyPos.y;
movement *= backwardSpeed * absJoyPos.y;
movement *= sidestepSpeed * absJoyPos.x;
// Check for jump
if ( character.isGrounded )
var jump = false;
var touchPad : Joystick;
if ( rotateTouchPad )
touchPad = rotateTouchPad;
touchPad = moveTouchPad;
if ( !touchPad.IsFingerDown() )
canJump = true;
if ( canJump && touchPad.tapCount >= 2 )
jump = true;
canJump = false;
if ( jump )
// Apply the current movement to launch velocity
velocity = character.velocity;
velocity.y = jumpSpeed;
// Apply gravity to our velocity to diminish it over time
velocity.y += Physics.gravity.y * Time.deltaTime;
// Adjust additional movement while in-air
movement.x *= inAirMultiplier;
movement.z *= inAirMultiplier;
movement += velocity;
movement += Physics.gravity;
movement *= Time.deltaTime;
// Actually move the character
character.Move( movement );
if ( character.isGrounded )
// Remove any persistent velocity after landing
velocity =;
// Apply rotation from rotation joystick
if ( character.isGrounded )
var camRotation =;
if ( rotateTouchPad )
camRotation = rotateTouchPad.position;
// Use tilt instead
// print( iPhoneInput.acceleration );
var acceleration = Input.acceleration;
var absTiltX = Mathf.Abs( acceleration.x );
if ( acceleration.z < 0 && acceleration.x < 0 )
if ( absTiltX >= tiltPositiveYAxis )
camRotation.y = (absTiltX - tiltPositiveYAxis) / (1 - tiltPositiveYAxis);
else if ( absTiltX <= tiltNegativeYAxis )
camRotation.y = -( tiltNegativeYAxis - absTiltX) / tiltNegativeYAxis;
if ( Mathf.Abs( acceleration.y ) >= tiltXAxisMinimum )
camRotation.x = -(acceleration.y - tiltXAxisMinimum) / (1 - tiltXAxisMinimum);
camRotation.x *= rotationSpeed.x;
camRotation.y *= rotationSpeed.y;
camRotation *= Time.deltaTime;
// Rotate the character around world-y using x-axis of joystick
thisTransform.Rotate( 0, camRotation.x, 0, Space.World );
// Rotate only the camera with y-axis input
cameraPivot.Rotate( -camRotation.y, 0, 0 );
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