Games We Make

This is a resource site for instructors interested in adding a game design component to their curriculum. The basic idea is to pick game development platforms that allow students (and instructors) to start creating games quickly. A game development curriculum can be integrated into many different lesson plans, from STEM and Humanities.

I originally started with Bitsy, which is an easy to learn game development environment which has a big developer community. It’s a lot of fun creating a Bitsy game, and the pixel art aesthetic is endearing. I am a big fan of Bitsy, so i created this site to help others who want to learn Bitsy, or want to teach with Bitsy. I am deeply indebted to the Bitsy community for the great games, help and tools that have been created for this marvelous platform. Hope you find this site useful.

I am now also working with GB Studio. It is a bit more involved, but lets students create games that can run on physical gaming hardware – a Gameboy (or emulated platform) or a Analogue Pocket – plus also have the game work in a web browser

This site is an ongoing process as I learn more, and think of better ways to do things.
