
Remember not to buy the graphics for your game from a guy with a pendrive in a back alley

Allegedly the seller is someone called Desmond Bullard, likely a fake name, but be careful out there

We’ll be back, but in the meantime…

Our team got busy with some contract projects since our last few devlogs, and not too long ago we got some more people on the team and started a new project. But do note that Copy Girl is still on our sights ;)

The new game is a metroidvania with an emphasis on mobility, check out our first preview:

You can find more of what we’re doing over at our blog:


Anonymous asked: What's the status of the game? (And Happy Thanksgiving!)

On hold due to illness

Current state of the game

Or “how we’re going to finish our first game”

Copy Girl is the first game we’re working on as a team. We learned a lot over the 2+ years that we worked on it. There were many bad design decisions, many reworked assets, and a lot of trial and error.

Around the end of last year we got a nice business proposition to get some extra funds, which put Copy Girl on a long hiatus.

And now that we’re closing on that extra work, we started looking at Copy Girl again. “Is it worth carrying this first project all the way to the finish line?”

We decided that it is, but there will be some big changes. We’ve been away from it for long enough that we can look at it with a fresh pair of eyes and really consider what’s important and what will give us a complete game, even if not the huge 4-hour long adventure we had in mind.

tl;dr: we’re resuming work soon, and we’re re-evaluating some aspects of the game


Anonymous asked: What sort of story is there? Will there be character building with the robots or will they just be there as bosses? What kind of world is it? Good luck and thanks if you answer.

Thanks for asking ;)

We are going for as light of a story as possible. We don’t want to bore the player with endless text boxes and we don’t want to pretend the story is super dramatic and that everybody should care.

With that said, every boss character has a background story, personality traits, motives, etc. Most of it is used to define how they’re going to act within the story so a lot of it is going to stay behind the scenes.

The world is loosely defined. I’ve called it “the cyberspace” since the beginning, but at the same time it’s not truly a virtual or real place. The characters are called “robots”, but sometimes they are described as being a piece of software and sometimes they are people.

So what I’m saying is, don’t expect everything to make sense, just go fight some robots and have fun


Anonymous asked: The gifs are awesome! Did you use some kind of FPS limit?

Thank you. The gifs are 30 fps, because my computer can’t do 60 :(


poesvliegtuig asked: Will there be a Linux version available? I'd love to be able to play your game :)

It’s in our plans, but we haven’t tested anything other than windows yet


Anonymous asked: Haven't seen a real update here since January. What is this game's progress? Can you give a percentage?


Anonymous asked: Hi, what resolution is Copy Girl?

320x240, scaled to 200% by default

Thank you for 1k followers!


We have just reached 1000 followers!

A big Thank You for everyone who stuck around! We’ll get back to posting new stuff as soon as possible