Vicka, Это из области делаешь ошибки и видишь. Вообще очень много времени нужно потратить, что бы понять как правильно это делать. У turbosquid есть общие правила и в целом они мне нравится, но они на английском.
2.1.1 No isolated vertices
2.1.2 No coincident vertices
2.1.3 No coincident/coplanar faces
2.1.4 Face normals point outward - By "outward" we mean the appropriate direction for correct rendering, with no normals incorrectly flipped.
2.1.5 No empty objects - All objects should have geometry or splines or be null/control helpers. No "empty objects" that have names but nothing else permitted.
2.1.6 Geometry must not have open edges or borders that cause see-through cracks in the model when rendered.
2.2 Topology
2.2.1 Quads and triangles only
2.2.2 Mostly quads - The model must use quads as much as possible. A range of 10%-20% tris is sensible for most models, but some will call for a higher percentage to form sensible topology. Models are inspected manually to ensure a sensible quad/tri ratio is maintained.
Note that realtime models will often have a much higher percentage of triangles to meet the requirement of "minimum geometry possible to form the object".
2.2.3 Clean edge flow: Model must have the best possible edge flow, with sufficient geometry to meet these requirements without superfluous geometry Subdividable Topology: Model can be cleanly subdividable for higher detail and still retain shape of model. No poles with more than 5 edges on the model Holding/support edges present to retain shape after subdivision Exceptions: Exception for very small, insignificant objects within the scene: Such objects do not have to meet the criteria above. Objects such as screws, bolts, rivets, wires, and other objects which are very small in comparison to the overall model size, do not have to follow the Clean Edge Flow rules. Exception for one-sided objects with opacity map: Objects that represent a thin real-life object as a one-sided object, where the shape of the object is depicted via an opacity map, do not have to follow the Clean Edge Flow rules.
Examples of this exception are leaves, petals, decals, paper, cloth. This exception does not apply to fully three-dimensional objects such as thin boxes. Exception for realtime models: Models intended for game engines, realtime display, or background elements must have the lowest number of polygons possible while still retaining the model's shape, but do not have to conform to the points above. For such models, a high percentage of triangles is allowable, provided they are necessary to make the model shape with the lowest number of polygons possible.
2.2.4 Crease value: 3ds Max and Maya only: Value of Crease parameter must be 0 for all edges.
This requirement ensures that a subdividable model, when converted to other formats, will retain the same shape when subdivided. If the model is a realtime model (not subdividable), there is no reason to have a Crease value other than 0.
Видео ща поищу.
Arrimus 3D у него очень много видео по hardsurface и по топологии. Я практически все видел. Когда я вспомнил сколько видео я видел о топологии, у меня голова заболела. Grant Warwick - Hard Surface Modeling Gumroad - Hard Surface 3D Modeling for Production by Chung Kan Digital Tutors - Creative Development: Hard Surface Modeling Workflows in 3ds Max Короче их очень много. Его остатки и на хлеб не намазать. Мой тебе совет Пабло - относись к жизни как к веселухе, но непродолжительной. @Эш
Сообщение отредактировал Barbatos - Воскресенье, 02 Августа 2015, 22:02
, [spoiler]оу) так на него я подписана давно) И собствено руководствуюсь его советами) а вот за словесное описание правил моделинга спасибо) к стати вот не плохая лекция на русском)
Сообщение отредактировал Vicka - Понедельник, 03 Августа 2015, 08:40
JessyStorm, Да в принципе ничего страшного. Правда некоторые экзотические движки и 3д редакторы все же будут ругаться. Мудбокс например точно такую модель не переварит. I Remember This Dream
ViPanda, есть движки, которые не терпят сильно узких треугольников, например, UE. Но здесь они достаточно широкие. Кстати говоря, зебра предпочитает именно такие звезды, а не стандартную кашу а-ля: