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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

> The European Space Agency spotted signs of giant spiders on Mars.
> They shared the information with the public and now are gaslighting the masses into believing it's "gas" trapped under thicker layers of ice that breaks through slabs and causes this effect.

Why even release the information, to then go "syke, this ain't shit!"
Why do they do this bros? What do they gain?
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Please explain more about sending troops to Mars and the shadow vessel.
anyone else just not believe any of these pictures as real
lmao this is what i was wondering. why the fuck would we pop over there and just burn money fighting mars spiders?
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Mining with no standards of labor or oversight, harvesting et artifacts and technology.
lmao It looks like Biden

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here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Doing geomancy readings for the next hour or so. I will ignore certain questions.
how to get the most out of the reading:
>make it a y/n question
>if it involves any other person, state who they are to you (ie: colleague, friend, acquaintance, neighbour, partner, etc)
Can i ask what A (colleague) think of I (friend)
>>make it a y/n question
kek, ok, I'll do this. Give me a sec but bear in mind I'm still a beginner at geomancy, so I'm not so versed in "what"-questions.
Is he cheating?
He's a partner obviously
I know he doesn't meet anyone, but i always have doubt he talks with other girls via text messages

I'm not a christian, because i feel like the christian religion is for sheeple, and i don't like the christian idea of heaven. But, I can use Christianity to debunk all other religions. How? Let me show you. Let's look at Buddhism and Hinduism. Buddhism is a religion for monks. Why would a layman ever choose Buddhism over Christianity, Buddhism offers a layman nothing but temporary godhood in some higher plane if he donates lots of stuff to the monks and eternal reincarnation after that until he one day finally becomes a monk and renounces life and attains nirvana. So, in this world, what benefit does Buddhism have over Christianity, which says you can get salvation in one lifetime, it has so much more passion.. a man literally died for the sins of all men including you, and if you disbelieve you will be sent to eternal burning fire, and if you believe and attain salvation through the help of your spiritual endeavor or whatever I mean there's still a process of attaining salvation but just imagine.. endless reincarnation or eternal bliss in heaven after one life on earth. And hell if you disobey. What does Buddhism offer to laypeople that is more emotionally and culturally impactful than christian teaching? Or pagan religions like Hinduism who cares if the gods want your worship, a man like you are one died on a cross to save you according to Christianity.. and what do the gods do for humans? Receive prayers and food and drink energy I mean who cares like literally, compared to Christianity? The fact of the matter is Christianity singlehandedly debunks all other religions. And Christianity is not even true. Thoughts on that? What's your spiritual path having this in mind?
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Well, if we're getting into advertising to the laypeople, then

1. They don't actually care, they literally go to whichever religious service is: best catered, close to their house, the dominant ideology in their region/culture/family

2. Even if Christianity had "better benefits" unless you're a soulless heathen from California, you can't just choose what to believe in, if people believe that Hinduism is more accurate and that the Hindu pantheon is real then they won't be believing that a God who automatically negates their gods exists.

3.its only certain sects that make it THAT hard, one of the largest denominations of buddhism probably got as popular as it did, in part because they pass around this
3-6 line poem written by an "enlightened monk" from centuries ago, that if you just say the words to it, upon your death you will be transported to the buddhas personal spirit dimension where he will be your personal trainer and get you swole with esoteric knowledge until you reach nirvana.
stop talking about Christianity, you're ignorant
>i'm not gonna explain my retarded cope
no surprises there
The best belief is the belief of the Old Testament. The world was created by an awesome Almighty God, he rules everything and everyone and does whatever he pleases. He is a God of righteousness and justice so he loves those who do righteous things and hate those who do evil things.

If you love him you will learn to do righteous things and If you fear him you will learn to not do evil things. And if you do this and you worship him humbly and loyally he will love you and will make your life amazing. He might test you and refine you through trials and tribulations, but if you endure and keep on worshipping him and loving righteousness and hating evil, he will approve of you and then he will bless you with great blessings and all good things will always be give to you and you will live a long and satisfying life.

Then if you resist evil until the end and die in righteousness, there will come a day that will be the last day of the world and all will end, in that day he will revive you from death and he will give you an eternal inheritance in a paradise so that you can live in his presence forever enjoying of pleasures and happiness even your wildest fantasies cannot match. This is the promise of the Most High and he has never broken a promise in all the eternity he has been alive.

El Shaddai is blessed and may be be praised forever for all these wonderful things he does for us undeservedly. Those who seek him will never regret it.

And be self sufficient in 1-2 years time, AMA.
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How do you intend to feed yourself?
tresspassers can be used as food
mountain woods, 1h walk from the nearest village, it'd be hard at first to bring tools supplies etc there, but once the hard part is done it should be comfy
Toolbox, wielding tools, saw, gardening tools etc
I will raise a dozen chickens and keep a donkey for milk and growing vegetables, plus there'll be a river near to fish and boars around I can kill in case I need meat

Search /out/ for resources for subsistence and comfort

Buy laying hens, learn permaculture and how to survive in the forest

In case you want something more serious, I know there is (and I have the instructions for) a method to make a car engine that runs on garbage.
/out/ doesn't need any more doughy retards thinking they can live off the grid because their mom cut off their chocy milk

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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37783038
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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>having the healthiest, most stable mental state I've ever had
congrats. Sometimes spirits can help you get into another state of mind, and this can be very healing. They can help you break habits, or at least show you what a different sort of thinking can feel like. I've experienced it myself and it's great.
>What does this mean?
you answered the question yourself with this sentence
>the voice returned while I was sober, a first, and seemed excited for me, both because I'm doing better and because ' it will get easier and easier to talk '
Seems like a spirit has showed up, it's friendly, and it's getting easier to talk to it.
By the way
>I didn't receive any contact
>I again received no contact or dreams
The voice talking to you is the contact. So you have been receiving contacts. Though I guess it isn't touching you yet, if that's what you meant by "contact".

>Cope harder burger joint bro
database errors. DATABASE ERRORS!

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You have inspired me to make a meme.

Here you go, enjoy~
>(with long nails)

LOL thats long nail-chan?! XD
>worrying about your panties when trying to sleep

what a pissy bitch. SLEEP NAKED, FUCKERS!
You have no idea who that final post was. and I'll never tell.

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Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe, both by Aztecs and others in the Americas, and by Moloch worshippers in ancient middle east (as referenced in the bible)? It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do unless you really met an actual supernatural force that did wonders and made you think you really should do it because of the wonders that entity was able to do.
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You all know John Dee's obsidian scrying mirror was from the Aztecs right?
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It's a simple observation. To achieve something you have to take away something.
If it's something material (like a house) you take something quantifiable (like time and labor of people). If it's health and life you take away the life of animals.
So people thought, what if want a high status or immortality, you have to take away the lives of either a lot of animals
or a human.

See picrel. I think there is something to it. People that give a lot receive a lot. Think about all the kings and conqueror that so to speak sacrificed thousands of people and plundered their wealth. They got immortalized in human history.

>"The difference between the man who rules in the castle and the other man who is chained in the castle-dungeon is the difference between success and failure. There is a strong affinity between the criminal and the conqueror. If Washington, for example, had failed, he would (most probably) have been hunted down and hung as an outlaw and traitor. However, he “won” by FORCE, and consequently, became.a mighty potentate. King David was a sheep-stealer and blackmailer until he triumphed. Then he became “a man after God’s own heart.”! William the Norman was also a criminal, and fifty per cent of his invading army were exiled outlaws, but by conquest he became king of England, and his followers blossomed into nobles."
>"If a man steals a horse or a steer he is lynched (if captured) as an “enemy of society,” but if he steals the value of a million horses by wrecking a savings bank he is straightway made a Senator or knighted." - Might is Right
>"Here is one who steals a hook (for his girdle) – he is put to death for it: here is another who steals a state – he becomes its prince." - The Sacred Books of China
>moloch worshippers
not comparable.
MLKfags were doing for greed, Aztecs were trying to save the world
shouldn't you be pointing out how sacrificing a christ raises the same eyebrows too instead?

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So alex jones is a Cia psyop? Father and mother were ex cia. Current employees were ex cia or high ranking people in military. Why's this guy supported by right wingers now?
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Which horse is the question.
Literally me but put goth girl after fat
Yes, if it wasn't obvious.
>He talked about how we didn't need churches anymore
Can you reference which verse he said this?
>Why's this guy supported by right wingers now?
Fencesitting libertarians who were otherwise liberal or moderate slowly became more radicalized and reactionary due to, what should be, extremely obvious reasons. Jones' audience is the same people. It has not changed parts; the individuals have changed.

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I'm 5'5" and white in a western country. I am also not attractive. I am not deformed or noticeably ugly in any way, but I am on the lower end of the scale in terms of facial attractiveness.
Why was I dealt such a shitty hand, life on hard mode, while others get it so easy?
Would God judge me the same as an attractive tall person on the merits of our deeds, or will he give me a margin of error?
These are the kinds of questions I never see Christians answer.
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This is oddly comforting. Thank you.
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Our eternal souls all select our avatars and parents and general lifetime learning themes, this is just like a giant cosmic WoW game pretty much lol. Perhaps your last life you were tall and more 'handsome' and this round wanted to experience the differences and learning to love yourself and others despite temporary appearances. Many possibilities. We have no one to 'blame' but ourselves though for being here, having some kind of personal responsibility also kills the victim consciousness used to keep us asleep and appearing as "trapped" while incarnate.
Guess you had to learn a lesson regarding it.
If you learn to make women laugh you can have better women than a 6'5 boring dude. God made that animal with the funny face in your pic, isnt he awesome?
In his mercy God has prevented you from becoming trapped in excess. Do you think most attractive people hold spiritual depth? Some do, but most of the time they get sidetracked with sex and socializing and entrap themselves in a prison if habit.

Very much like most rich people, do you think most of the wealthy are happy and progressing spiritually?

Btw I'm 6'4 and height in itself doesn't make as much of a difference as you'd think.

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A thread for everything Alien and Paranormal. Show is what mimd bending stuff people believed or dreamt up!
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Actually looking through this about half of the aliens are just stolen Kamen Rider villains, which is a shame because some of the original ones are pretty cool
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Land of Taa by Sam Petrucci! Nice!
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>HR Giger just drew walls, interior and some installations.
Barlowe just drew geometric shapes with legs and eyes by your logic.
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Don't forget about C.M Kosemen. He's a speculative biologist with some of the most detailed alien worlds and countless illustrations.

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A while ago some guy showed here claiming to be imortal. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37531312/#37531312

He didn't say much worth of notice, and often found ways to vague and not go into details, but when he did go into details it had enough, i dunno weird stuff and parts to make it seem somewhat believable.

I payed little mind to it, figure out it was just a larper with a somewhat interesting premise, but what really got me was the way he described his immortality, without going into details he explained he would just steal bodies and transfer his soul and mind to other people, stealing their youth and existence.

And that stroke me as a very believable form of immortality since decay is so far inevitable to all beings.

So I got obsessed about it and started researching and it seems a lot of people have talked about it in the past.

I went down in the rabbit hole and some Heights include:

Many forum threads such as: https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/7y5lue/body_switching/?rdt=53134

Some ancient concepts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phowa

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>even the universe will die someday.
Yeah that takes trillions of years. Only a cuck throws in the towell in the first 0.00000000000001% of it.
you are a stupid naive child
stop believing larps on 4chan


Quantum immortality seems the most plausible or vampirism if it actually exists
no but yes but no

i can body swap but its millennia

by which time circumstancs may hav changed on the ground lolz
You guys are dumb as hell.

I know it's absurd that's why I'm asking since there is some (not a lot but some) evidence of it.

Well, isn't this a form of vampirism?

What? Fuck you I'm taking this seriously.

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Can this book help me overcome astral parasites?

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Wilhelm Reich, noted psychologist, was killed by fascists in the CIA because 1) he exposed the homosexual repression that drives fascism in "The Mass Psychology of Fascism", and 2) created spiritenergy machines powerful enough to modify weather and destroy alien UFOs 3) He was a literal communist mad scientist Rich Sanchez archetype.

Crazy? Read for yourself. It's all true.
All that is missing is the CIA's overt admission of his murder and their motives, which you will never receive.

By July of 1953 Reich was making headlines for his ability to end agricultural droughts with his machines, and his outspoken belief in UFOs, which were vulnerable to his machines.
By February 1954 the govt filed injunctions to make him stop.
By June of 1956 the govt raided his home, burned his books, research, notes and machines.
Reich was arrested on Trumped up charges and died in prison the next year.

Reich's story is one example of the repression of paranormal belief and evidence in the fascist west.

By contrast, in communist societies, the paranormal is scientifically accepted. Communist societies are "spiritual but not religious". Whereas in the west we are "religious but not spiritual".

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Werner von bruan wrote a book about going to mars in which a character called "the elon" would be instrumental. He's a character put there.
I also own shit and have the right to that production, even though I'm not rich. Fuck off extremist bitch
jej the elon can't even get his shitty cars to work
Nothing is stopping me from pretending to be Han. I have a superpower: I blend in the general pop very easily. Languages come easy to me. All I gotta do this time around, though, is to humour the paper pushing bureaucrats. When I came to Murika I didn't realize papers make you.
That's how defense mechanisms work and why it's impossible to have conversations. I'm not claiming you are a homosexual, but if there's any truth to the link to fascism you would remain blind to it because of that process that detects threats to the integrity of self/reality. Homosexual repression is an oversimplification, but if you don't think libido and the way it's morphed and twisted is fundamental to ideology i bet you're wrong.

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>be me hindu from a lower caste
>life is shitty sometimes gets into deep >thinking if my reilgion is responsible for my >suffering and all that poop jokes shit on the street jokes and the pathetic state of my nation made me kinda question my faith so should i convert cuz i feel like i get no benifit being in this religion
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You have to live a life of piety or it will only get worse apparently.
That makes you a mleccha
you should #learntocode then make a SaaS and sell it for millions and go from untouchable to touchable
i dont think so this place is not the bottom of the ladder this is somwhere below that

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Grace received stolen DoD Matrix property and shared it in his MATRIX volumes.
Is any specific volume worth reading?
I find uncomfortably little amount of info about him and his work but he seems to be the real deal, his name seems to be co-opted. I can not find much discussion. Google seems to omit almost every result about him, so I thought I'd try my luck here.
This was the most comprehensive thing being shown https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1b23svu/the_matrix_by_valdamar_valerian/
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I love the matrix series, honestly if you want to really enjoy them spend the bread online and have them printed in a book , bonus points for hardcover - its a fun read , lots of pictures from the early days
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This is my Father's back yard. This is where I wrote the Urantia Papers.
John Grace - Newton, KS
That was my name and I used Valdamar Valerian as an alias when I wrote the Matrix V Gold.

I was trying to find the house that Patti and I lived in but it is no longer there.
In the fifth book he says being gay is the highest form of spiritual evolvement.

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